Relationships. The romantic kind. They're funny things. Exciting. Stimulating. Painful. Relationships are the topics of many conversations. They motivate us, encourage us, drive us to suceed, and drive us to distraction.
This blog is a discussion about relationships; the way that we do them, the things that work, and the things that do not work. I encourage you to share your own thoughts and stories. If you are new to my blog, welcome. I suggest going back and reading some of my older posts to see the thoughts that initiated this process.
If you've been following me since the begining, thanx for the support!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Relationship Questionnaire

Relationship Questionnaire

The following are some questions about relationships. Take your time in answering them. Allow yourself to be honest, and really consider your answers. If you come to a question that makes you say “I don’t know”, stop and look at that. The truth is you do know. It’s important to consider what your answers are telling you about the quality of your relationship.

1)      What were your beliefs about relationships before you met your partner?
2)      What attracted you to your partner?
3)      Have you ever had doubts about the relationship?
4)      How did you address these doubts?
5)      How do you express positive emotions and feelings to your partner?
6)      How does your partner express positive emotions and feelings to you?
7)      How do you express negative emotions and feelings to your partner?
8)      How does your partner express negative emotions and feelings to you?
9)      Do you trust your partner?
10)   Does your partner trust you?
11)   Does your partner speak to you with respect and kindness?
12)   Are you able to have meaningful conversations with your partner?
13)   How many hours per week do you and your partner engage in meaningful conversation?
14)   List the activities you and your partner enjoying doing together.
15)   Is your partner aware of any activities that you do not enjoy?
16)   Are you aware of the activities that your partner does not enjoy doing?
17)   Do you share equally in responsibilities?
18)   Do you share equally in decision making?
19)   Is there ever a time when your opinion goes unspoken?
20)   Is there ever a time when your partner’s opinion goes unspoken?
21)   How is conflict handled?
22)   How comfortable is your partner in addressing conflicting issues with you?
23)   How comfortable are you in addressing conflicting issues with your partner?
24)   How are sexual differences handled?
25)   Has there ever been a time when you felt sexually uncomfortable and felt unable to speak to your partner about it?
26)   How did this get addressed?
27)   Do you or your partner ever feel pressured to do anything sexually that you do not want to do?
28)   Is your partner emotionally available to you when you are experiencing stress or crisis?
29)   Are you emotionally available to your partner?
30)   Are you able to enjoy time apart with the understanding that it is a healthy part of your relationship?
31)   Do you each have your own friends and interests?
32)   Does your partner feel happy about good things that happen to you?
33)   Does your partner listen to you?
34)   Does your partner share any of the same beliefs and values?
35)   Are you and your partner able to respect and listen to each other even when you have different opinions on a topic?

1 comment:

  1. I think I should read these questions from time to time even if I am not currently in a relationship. A little guidance is always helpful.
